از : بنیانگذار و رئیس

From : Founding President

بیانیه سیاسی نهضت نسل آینده ایران
برای ساختن آینده‌ای روشن و پایدار

ما بر این باوریم که آینده ایران نیازمند پایبندی به اصولی نوین و تحول‌ساز است؛ اصولی که بنیاد یک جامعه آزاد، عادلانه و پیشرفته را شکل می‌دهند. بر این اساس، نهضت نسل آینده ایران اهداف زیر را دنبال می‌کند

یکپارچگی سرزمین و اتحاد مردم
ما به تمامیت ارضی ایران و حفظ یکپارچگی سرزمینی آن به‌عنوان یک اصل غیرقابل مذاکره پایبند هستیم. اتحاد مردم ایران، با وجود تنوع فرهنگی و قومی، سنگ‌بنای استحکام ملی و توسعه پایدار است. همبستگی ملی تنها با پذیرش و احترام به این تنوع محقق خواهد شد

لائیسیته و جدایی دین از حکومت
ما خواهان نظامی لائیک هستیم که در آن دولت به‌طور کامل از نفوذ هرگونه مذهب جدا بوده و آزادی‌های فردی و برابری اجتماعی را تضمین کند. دین، به‌عنوان امری شخصی و خصوصی، نباید در سیاست و تصمیم‌گیری‌های کلان دخالت کند

دموکراسی واقعی و عدالت اجتماعی
اداره جامعه باید بر اساس خرد جمعی، علم و منافع عمومی باشد. ما به دموکراسی‌ای باور داریم که در آن همه صداها شنیده شوند و عدالت نه در شعار، بلکه در عمل تحقق یابد

شایسته‌سالاری و مبارزه با تبعیض
جامعه‌ای که ما آرزو داریم، بر اساس شایستگی، توانایی و تعهد به منافع عمومی اداره می‌شود. هرگونه تبعیض بر پایه جنسیت، قومیت، مذهب یا دیگر تفاوت‌ها غیرقابل پذیرش است

آزادی بیان و احترام به تنوع
تنوع فرهنگی و فکری، سرمایه ملی ماست. آزادی بیان و احترام به تفاوت‌ها باید به اصول محوری فرهنگ سیاسی ایران تبدیل شوند و همبستگی ملی بر پایه پذیرش و درک این تنوع شکل گیرد

اهمیت حفظ کانون خانواده
خانواده به‌عنوان ابتدایی‌ترین و بنیادی‌ترین سلول اجتماعی، محور اصلی تربیت و رشد انسان‌هاست. ما بر این باوریم که حفظ و تقویت کانون خانواده، با تأمین امنیت اجتماعی، اقتصادی و فرهنگی، شرط اساسی برای ساختن جامعه‌ای سالم و پویاست

پیشرفت و آینده‌نگری
ایران باید به جامعه‌ای مدرن و پویا تبدیل شود که بر اساس خردورزی، عدالت و توسعه پایدار بنا شده است. این پیشرفت باید برای همه مردم محقق شود و نسل‌های آینده را نیز در بر گیرد

تعهد ما به این اصول، نقشه راهی برای ساختن ایرانی آزاد، عادلانه و پیشرفته است؛ ایرانی که در آن آزادی، برابری، اتحاد ملی، سلامت اجتماعی و شکوفایی همه شهروندان، اولویت اصلی سیاست‌گذاری‌های ملی خواهد بود

حمیدرضا شیخ
مؤسس و رئیس نهضت سیاسی نسل آینده ایران
www.ifg1401.com (http://www.ifg1401.com/)


Déclaration politique du Mouvement
«Iran Future Génération» Pour bâtir un avenir radieux et durable

Nous croyons fermement que l'avenir de l'Iran nécessite l'engagement envers des principes modernes et transformateurs, qui forment les fondements d'une société libre, équitable et avancée. À cet égard, le Mouvement des Générations Futures de l'Iran poursuit les objectifs suivants :

Intégrité territoriale et unité nationale
Nous restons attachés de manière intransigeante à l'intégrité territoriale de l'Iran. L'unité du peuple iranien, dans toute sa diversité culturelle et ethnique, constitue la pierre angulaire de la stabilité nationale et du développement durable. La cohésion nationale ne peut être réalisée qu'en acceptant et en respectant cette diversité.

Laïcité et séparation de la religion et de l'État

Nous aspirons à un système laïc où l'État est entièrement exempt de toute influence religieuse et garantit les libertés individuelles ainsi que l'égalité sociale. La religion, en tant qu'affaire personnelle et privée, ne doit pas intervenir dans la politique ni dans les décisions stratégiques.

Démocratie réelle et justice sociale
La gestion de la société doit être fondée sur l'intelligence collective, la science et l'intérêt général. Nous croyons en une démocratie où toutes les voix sont entendues et où la justice se réalise concrètement, au-delà des simples slogans.

Méritocratie et lutte contre les discriminations 

La société à laquelle nous aspirons repose sur le mérite, les compétences et l'engagement envers l'intérêt général. Toute discrimination basée sur le sexe l'ethnicité, la religion ou d'autres différences est inacceptable.

Liberté d'expression et respect de la diversité
La diversité culturelle et intellectuelle est notre richesse nationale. La liberté d'expression et le respect des différences doivent devenir des piliers fondamentaux de la culture politique iranienne, et la cohésion nationale doit être bâtie sur l'acceptation et la compréhension de cette diversité.

Importance de préserver le noyau familial
La famille, en tant que cellule sociale la plus fondamentale, constitue le socle principal de l'éducation et du développement des individus. Nous croyons que protéger et renforcer le noyau familial, à travers la sécurité sociale, économique et culturelle, est essentiel pour construire une société saine et dynamique.

Progrès et vision pour l'avenir
L'Iran doit devenir une société moderne et dynamique, fondée sur la rationalité, la justice et le développement durable. Ce progrès doit bénéficier à tous les citoyens et inclure les générations futures.

Notre engagement envers ces principes constitue une feuille de route pour bâtir un Iran libre, équitable et avancé ; un Iran où la liberté, l'égalité, l'unité nationale, la santé sociale et l'épanouissement de tous les citoyens seront au cœur des priorités nationales.

Hamid Reza SHEIKH
Fondateur et Président du Mouvement Politique Iran Future Génération
www.ifg1401.com (http://www.ifg1401.com/)

پیام تسلیت ‌به پادشاه ومردم کشور مراکش، بابت زلزله



دوستان عزیز، ما همدیگر را می خوانیم، جنبش ها و انقلاب ها تمام می شود و هیچ اتفاقی نمی افتد.  مردم از پیام های ما 

!!بی‌خبرند، ما به توییتر و ریتوییتر نیاز داریم.  مطبوعات بین المللی قبلاً ما را فراموش کرده اند. ایران صدای ما را نمی شنود

Chers Amis, Nous nous lisons, les mouvements et les révolutions s'essoufflent et rien ne se passe. Le peuple n'a pas connaissance de nos messages. Il faut Twitter et retwitter. La presse internationale nous a déjà oublié. L'Iran ne nous entend pas !!

Dear friends, We read ourselves, the movements and revolutions are running out of steam and nothing is happening. People are not aware of our messages. We need to Twitter and retweet. The international press has already forgotten about us. Iran does not hear us!

Le 21 mars 1402, le réveil de l'Iran ?? 

“Si vis pacem para bellum” “Si tu veux la Paix, prépare la guerre” disait Végèce, célèbre locution latine qui aujourd’hui doit tous nous interpeler. Ceux qui aujourd’hui préparent la guerre, veulent-ils réellement la paix? Prenons l’exemple de l’Ukraine, où les pays occidentaux appellent de tous leurs vœux “La Paix” , et livrent en masse des armes pour repousser les troupes russes et isoler leur Président sur la scène internationale. C’est exactement le contraire qui se passe. “Ce qui ne nous tue pas nous rend plus fort” disait Nietzsche. L’Ukraine est devenue un véritable salon de l’armement, où les nouvelles technologies ont de belles heures devant elles. Les carnets de commandes se remplissent. S’agissant de la Russie, L’Iran lui livrerait des munitions et des armes selon la presse spécialisée internationale et à la barbe des occidentaux. Là encore, veut-on la paix ? souvenons nous duTraité de Turkmantchaï signéen 1828 avec la Russie, ce fût le traité le plus humiliant que connu la Perse, aujourd'hui l'Iran. L'histoires pourrait-elle se répéter? L’arabie Saoudite avait rompu ses relations diplomatiques en 2016, et soudain, sous l’égide de la Chine qui ne s’est pas invité pour rien, le 10 mars dernier on remet le couvercle. Là encore tout le monde se félicite de cette avancée pour la paix dans la région !! Selon le SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute), les USA, la Chine, la Russie et l’inde sont en tête des gros dépensiers pour leurs budgets militaires et d’une manière générale tous les budgets mondiaux sont en nette progression. La Paix n’a pas de prix !!!

Concernant la bombe atomique fabriquée par l’Iran, ça n’est pas ou plus une vue de l’esprit. Alors certains s’interrogent, comment saurons-nous si l’Iran est détentrice de l’arme nucléaire? Attendez le premier essai et le doute disparaîtra, mais quant à la peur, elle va s’installer durablement et cette situation risque de créer une escalade qui Dieu seul sait où elle s’arrêtera. Les médias internationaux sont unanimes sur ce point, les choses s’accélèrent. Mais alors que devient la paix ? Peuples du monde libre, “ou presque” que vous le vouliez ou pas, votre avenir est hypothéqué. Si nous évoquions ensemble un véritable monde en paix ? Paradoxallement cette décision vous appartient. Prenons l’exemple de Reza Pahlavi, personne n’ignore qu’il ambitionne être le futur souverain d’Iran et c’est sous les feux des projecteurs et devant les caméras, qu’il demande au peuple Iranien de se soulever contre le pouvoir en place, ce moyennant quoi le gouvernement Américain "lui verserait" une somme importante sur des fonds Iraniens bloqués et déposés dans des banques étrangères. Il n’est pas pire mépris du peuple. Actuellement, l'Iran renoue progressivement des relations diplomatiques avec l’ensemble des pays du Moyen Orient et certains pays de l’Europe, inutile de vous dire que sa souveraineté sera un préalable et c’est alors que la révolution populaire sera étouffée dans l’œuf, elle passera au second plan. Mais pourquoi ne pas imaginer qu’un peuple prenne réellement son destin en main, sans devoir espérer l’arrivée d’un hypothétique sauveur ?

Hélàs ça n’arrivera pas mais en revanche, rien n’interdit de penser que sous la conduite d’un leader reconnu et respecté du peuple, les impulsions soient données pour opérer le début du changement, on peut éviter les mouvements populaires et sanglants dans les rues. Souvenez vous Amis Iraniens, vous êtes 80 millions, certains sont, des ouvriers, des militaires, des policiers, des fonctionnaires, des personnels soignants, des enseignants, des cultivateurs, des commerçants, des scientifiques, des ingénieurs. Tous ensemble vous pouvez décider de votre destin. Il suffit de le vouloir. "Ne vous laissez pas voler votre révolution".. Seuls vous n’êtes que des gouttes d’eau, mais ensemble vous formerez un Océan. Aujourd'hui le mouvement que je représente, "Iran Future Generation" @ifg1401 vous invite à vous rassembler autour de cette idée simple, Vous pouvez décider de votre destin... Il n'est pas de nation sans son peuple, vous êtes le cœur qui bat et qui ne cessera de battre pour votre pays "L'Iran". Votre voix doit se faire entendre dans le monde entier, la voix de la raison, de la liberté et de la Paix, qui enfin prend ici tout son sens. Le règne de la terreur doit cesser, vous seul pouvez l'arrêter. N'est-ce pas à cela qu'aspire chaque famille Iranienne ? Diffuser le plus largement ce message de paix et de raison. Nous sommes à vos côtés. Que Dieu vous garde et joyeuses fêtes du nouvel An "1402". Votre dévoué.


Hamid Reza SHEIKH

Président Fondateur 

March 21, 1402, the awakening of Iran? "Si vis pacem para bellum" "If you want peace, prepare for war" said Vegetius, a famous Latin saying that today must challenge us all. Do those who today prepare for war really want peace? Let's take the example of Ukraine, where the Western countries call with all their wishes "Peace" , and deliver in mass weapons to push back the Russian troops and isolate their President on the international scene. The exact opposite is happening. "That which does not kill us makes us stronger" said Nietzsche. Ukraine has become a real arms fair, where new technologies have a great future ahead of them. The order books are filling up. According to the international press, Iran is delivering ammunition and weapons to Russia, much to the displeasure of the West. Here again, do we want peace? Let us remember the Treaty of Turkmenchai signed in 1828 with Russia, which was the most humiliating treaty that Persia, now Iran, has ever known. Could history repeat itself? Saudi Arabia broke off diplomatic relations in 2016, and suddenly, under the aegis of China, which was not invited for nothing, on March 10, they put the lid back on. Again everyone welcomes this step forward for peace in the region!!! According to the SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute), the USA, China, Russia and India are at the top of the list of big spenders for their military budgets and in a general way all the world budgets are in clear progression. Peace has no price!

Concerning the atomic bomb made by Iran, it is not or no longer a sight of mind. So some people ask, how will we know if Iran has a nuclear weapon? Wait for the first test and the doubt will disappear, but as for the fear, it will take hold and this situation risks creating an escalation that God only knows where it will stop. The international media are unanimous on this point, things are accelerating. But then what happens to peace? People of the free world, "or almost" whether you like it or not, your future is mortgaged. What if we could talk together about a real world at peace? Paradoxically, this decision belongs to you. Let's take the example of Reza Pahlavi, no one is unaware that he has ambitions to be the future ruler of Iran and it is under the spotlight and in front of the cameras that he asks the Iranian people to rise up against the power in place, in return for which the American government would "pay him" a large sum of money from Iranian funds blocked and deposited in foreign banks. There is no worse contempt for the people. At present, Iran is gradually re-establishing diplomatic relations with all the countries of the Middle East and some European countries. Needless to say, its sovereignty will be a prerequisite, and it is then that the popular revolution will be nipped in the bud, it will pass into the background. But why not imagine that a people really takes its destiny in hand, without having to hope for the arrival of a hypothetical savior?

Alas, this will not happen, but on the other hand, nothing forbids us to think that under the leadership of a leader recognized and respected by the people, the impulses are given to operate the beginning of the change, we can avoid the popular and bloody movements in the streets. Remember Iranian friends, there are 80 million of you, some of whom are workers, military, police, civil servants, health care workers, teachers, farmers, traders, scientists, engineers. All together you can decide your destiny. All you have to do is want to. "Do not let your revolution be stolen. Alone you are only drops of water, but together you will form an Ocean. Today the movement I represent, "Iran Future Generation" @ifg1401 invites you to gather around this simple idea, You can decide your destiny... There is no nation without its people, you are the heart that beats and will not stop beating for your country "Iran". Your voice must be heard throughout the world, the voice of reason, of freedom and of Peace, which finally takes on its full meaning here. The reign of terror must end, only you can stop it. Isn't this what every Iranian family aspires to? To spread this message of peace and reason as widely as possible. We are at your side. Godspeed and happy New Year's Eve "1402". Yours truly.

Hamid Reza SHEIKH

Founding President

 The President Founder of the movement "Iran Future Generation", invites Reza Pahlavi to a debate, Attached is the open letter to him. Sincerely


The President Founder of the movement "Iran Future Generation", 
invites Reza Pahlavi to a debate, Attached is the open letter to him. Sincerely

Dear Sir, 

I can understand your wish to reinstall a monarchy in Iran, following in the footsteps of your late father, but all the same, it would seem that you are struck by a temporary amnesia that you regard. Let's first go back to the arrival of the Shah in power, of course this information is verifiable and has been declassified by the American government. Between August 15 and 19, 1953, the government agencies of the two great powers orchestrated the "Ajax" operation, which consisted in overthrowing the government in place led by the Shah's Prime Minister, Mossadegh, who had the firm intention of driving out foreign oil companies and nationalizing the Iranian oil wells. Between 1951 and 1953, the pro-Mossadegh riots, provoked by this situation, caused many victims. The King regained control of his country, but not without agreements with the West, notably on the exploitation of Iranian oil. He reigned until 1979 when he was driven out of his country by the regime of Ayatollah Khomeini. Now let's talk about your words, not to say your announcements during your last press conference in London. This leads me to remind you that you are the son of a deposed King, and therefore you have no legitimacy to date to accede to the supreme office in Iran. But this does not prevent you from coveting the said office. However, the road is still long. As far as I am concerned, I am a descendant of the young King Yaqub Leith Saffar, and I have no claim to the supreme office, unless of course the Iranian people ask me to do so, because in the end it is they who will decide.

They denounce, they repress, they criticize, they are indignant, announcements follow announcements and communiqués, but nobody does anything for the Iranian people !!!! Since I was young, when I was a schoolboy and then a high school student, I actively participated in militant student rallies. This got me into a lot of trouble, as I was already with the Iranian people and campaigning for them, which gave me a good understanding of the system. I taught in universities, which were under the permanent surveillance of the Islamic police "Herasat & Gozinesh". Despite the frequency of the checks, my position allowed me to assess the power and to know its backstage. Its places, believe me, are forgotten by God himself. I left every day to teach, never knowing if I would return at night. I fought in Iraq, I lost many brothers in arms, with the use of poison gas by Saddam Hussein. I was in a unit, in charge of infiltrating the enemy lines, for intelligence missions. I was also in charge of training the recruits in the handling of the weapons we were in charge of. Not really in my DNA ! As you can see, Mr. Reza Pahlavi, my popular origins, gives me the ability to speak on behalf of the people, I grew up and shared their everyday life. During these years, what did you do? Your life abroad has spared you the sufferings that are still the daily life of Iranians today. In front of the microphones and cameras of the press, all your words are about intentions, which are conditioned on international financial aid? Iran's problems will be resolved largely from within, and that is where I intend to go.

How do you envisage the capitulation of the Islamic regime? Because they will have to leave! What is your program, to get half of the country out of hunger and disease and to put the country back to work, fathers at work, teachers in their schools, soldiers in their barracks, policemen in their police stations, nurses in their hospitals, farmers in their farms the civil servants in their administrations, the children and students in their schools, high schools and universities, all the shopkeepers in their stores and finally, all the wives and mothers of families, who will be busy preparing meals to fill the plates that have remained empty for so long!!!! For all these people, what is your economic and social program? I, Mr. Reza Pahlavi, given my origins and my training, will have proposals on these issues, I have been working on it with my team, discreetly and for a long time. I agree to discuss all these topics with you, knowing that for the public man that you have become, adept at TV shows, it should be a formality. Receive Dear Mr. Reza Pahlavi my cordial greeting. 

 Hamid Reza SHEIKH - Founder President 

Right of reply

Dear Mr. Reza Pahlavi, 

Interviews follow one another at a furious pace, but many questions asked by journalists remain unanswered or sometimes even your answers leave us "stunned" In your round table discussion with members of the Belgian Parliament on the one hand, and at the 53rd minute of the podcast in the Omid AM program of Man o To TV, you answer that you never work and that two associations and your family help you financially ! 

Our arms fall off. As for the associations, I doubt that either "Action against hunger", 4 bodyguards and a big limousine, it costs ! A politician like you who does not know the value of work, then how would you consider reviving the economic activity in Iran, and especially your credibility would be seriously questioned. 

Mr. Reza Pahlavi, you say that the People's Mojahedin are terrorists and that with their current approach, they have no place in the revolution and the future regime, unless they surrender and unconditionally accept your charter. Why do you use the word "revolution"! In other words who is not with you and against you. It's like déjà vu. If this is the way you are going to build your Iranian Democratic Movement, it is rather puzzling. You will have to accept an opposition as soon as it is constructive, naturally if one day you come to power, from you to me, it is not won! Finally, with regard to your interviews, you have indicated a return to normalcy in Iran, within 10 years minimum, this is downright utopian and surreal. Obviously you have no plan to revive the country. 

For my part, I am from the people, I grew up with them, sometimes with fear, hunger, the horror of executions, imprisonment, under the regime of your father, the late Shah of Iran, and then with the Islamic Republic. History repeats itself, but rest assured that fear will eventually change sides, if these dictators do not stop taking our country hostage. 


Hamid Reza SHEIKH

 Founder President


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